Sterling open to leave City for game time.

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Manchester City forward Raheem Sterling is open to leave the club due to struggles he faces for game time.

Manchester City forward Raheem Sterling wants to remain at the club but will consider his future with the Premier League champions if he continues to struggle for game time.

The England international have appeared in more matches managed by Pep Guardiola at City, yet the 26-year-old has started only one league game since the opening weekend of the season.

The forward, who is three goals away from reaching a century of career league goals, is hoping to force his way back into Guardiola’s plans.

“I’m not a person that’s going to complain, I’ve not tried to make it a bigger deal than it actually is,’ Sterling said on Thursday night.

“I get on with my work, do what I need to do. And I’m just raring to go: playing football matches regularly, scoring goals regularly.

“At the end of the day, if football for me is not at a certain standard I’m not really at my happiest. If I want my happiness at a certain level I need to be playing football. I need to be scoring goals and enjoying myself.”

Sterling further stated that he is open to play anywhere as long has he will play football and score goals.

“If there was the option to go somewhere else for more game time I would be open to it,” he added. “As I said football is the most important thing to me. Challenges that I have set myself from a young age and dreams as well.

“As an English player all I know is the Premier League and I’ve always thought you know maybe one day I’d love to play abroad, to see how I would come up against that challenge.”


Sportscliffs      Dailymail

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