Manchester United manager Ole Gunner Solskjaer says its too early to be called title challenger.

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Manchester United Manager Ole Gunner Solskjaer says they do not look at the league table as the season is not even half way. The Reds manager made this statement when asked if they are title challenger.

Ole’s men moved to third with 26 points in the premier league table after beating Leeds United 6-2 on Sunday  also having an outstanding game to play.

“We’re one third into the season, we’re not even at the halfway point, so the league position is not something we look at. We look at the improvement in the team, we look at the improvement in fitness because we knew we were going to be lagging behind in fitness, and I think it showed in the first few games but now, today, I think we showed we are getting a fitter and stronger team.”

The Norwegian spoke on the fitness of his team as he believes the game against Leeds was a game of physicality as Scott and Fred was deployed in the midfield.

“Scott is one of those boys, both him and Fred, they never stop. They run, they run, they run. We knew that it was going to be a game for fitness and physicality and those were excellent performances. Scott is a physical monster. He does all his work every day. He never shirks anything and gets his rewards.”

“It was a brilliant start. That was fantastic from the first minute. We had a plan to get after them, go forwards when we had the ball. Two great goals by Scott [McTominay]. The way we approached the game, of course, we’ve shown them videos and analysed [Leeds] and they were wide-eyed, the boys, when they saw the clips we showed them. The spaces that can appear, or not appear if we don’t do the work. They did the work, spot on.”

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