Jose Mourinho believes his side were in total control against Stoke city in the carabao cup.

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Jose Mourinho believes they deserve the win against Stoke city in the Carabao cup as his took total control of the game when they visited the Championship side last night.

The Portuguese beat Stoke 3-1 as the progress into the Semifinal of the competition.

Jose said: “In the first half, I don’t remember them having a corner, a shot, we were totally in control but not intense enough to kill the game.

“In the second half their goal was a transition from a ball that we lost, a ball that could end in 2-0, we lose it and then in the transition they score and from there the game is open, because of course a draw would be a good result for them to take the game to the gamble of penalties, but not a good result for us, of course.

“But I believe that the boys did okay. Erik Lamela, Moussa Sissoko, when they came on, they gave us some more intensity, some more dynamic both with the ball and also without the ball we pressed much faster and much higher, so the second goal came and the third goal killed the game, so job done.

“They are a team of giants, really, that out of nothing they can put the ball in the box, and they have a corner or lateral free-kick and create your situations. We managed to keep them very far from these situations for the majority of the time, but of course the risk will be always there and the 3-1 killed the game. And we deserved it, we totally deserved it.”

Tottenham will now take on Brentford at home in the semi-finals as the Jose Mourinho will seek to progress to the finals of the competition.


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