Newcastle needs to build, not just buy.

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Paul Merson believes Newcastle needs to build rather than buy expensive players.

Paul Merson believes Newcastle needs to build from scratch if they want to be successful rather than ‘buy, buy, buy’.

The Magpies are under new owner who is financially capable of buying expensive players but Merson believes it won’t work that way.

Since the arrival of new owner, the club have been linked with the likes of Kylian Mbappe, Harry Kane and Erling Haaland.

The current manage, Steve Bruce believes he has no chance under the new owner has they have been linked with the likes of Antonio Conte and Frank Lampard.

Merson believes that they wont go ahead and win the league even if they sign expensive players.

He told Sky Sports: ‘If they went and signed Kylian Mbappe and Harry Kane tomorrow, not a lot would change. They’re not going to start winning football matches because they can’t defend, and the midfield don’t create much. It doesn’t matter who is up front!

“You have to start from the back, make them solid, but Newcastle fans want entertaining football.

“Frank Lampard did brilliantly at Chelsea, and brought the kids through. He had a major part to play in the success they’ve had since he left. He gave youth a chance, but all of a sudden, when he had to go and sign £70m players, it was a different story.

“It needs to be intelligent signings, not just gung-ho. With Manchester City’s success, there was a lot of good scouting along the way. It was not always a case of: ‘Buy him, buy him and him.’

“The manager will play a big part in what players want to sign for Newcastle, because nowadays, everybody pays the big money for players. It’s a level playing field.”

Sportscliffs       Metro

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