Trae Young frustrated with rules change.

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Trae Young insists that the rules change is frustrating

Hawks guard Trae Young insists that the rules change is frustrating, he stated this in their 122-111 loss against on Thursday night.

Young quickly paused in the middle of his postgame interview in other not to say too much and be fined for it.

“I don’t want to get fined too much, but it’s frustrating,” the Atlanta star said.

Young received a technical foul during the game with five other players, and another one was given out for delay of game.

“There’s a lot of missed calls,” he said. “It’s basketball. It’s just, it feels that they’re learning, and they’re just, I don’t know. It’s frustrating.”

Though, Young said he isn’t completely against the changes, but he still wants certain contact to be whistled.

“Veering back and jumping into guys — that’s different,” he said. “There are certain things that, I agree with the rule changes, but then there’s things that are still fouls, and guys are going to get hurt.

“Especially a smaller guy like me who’s going up against bigger and stronger defenders, they’re using their body and they’re using their legs and their hands to stop me.”


Sportscliffs     ESPN


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