Tuchel happy with team performance against Spanish side.

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Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel is happy with the display his players put up against Atletico Madrid in the Champions League first leg last night.

The Blues got a 1-0 victory against Simone’s side as goal from Oliver Giroud gave the London side an edge in the Champions League.

Tuchel stated that the result of the game is a bit reward for them but they need to focus more on the premier league game they have at hand.

“I’m super happy for the players and for my team that we have such a big reward for a top performance,” he said. “It was very important that we were absolutely concentrated for all 96 minutes, that we accepted also that it is very hard to create chances, but we did all that.

“Mount and also Jorginho, we will be missing two crucial players in the next leg, that makes it not easy for us. I am very happy with the performance of everybody, that includes Mason. Again a big effort with a high intensity. Playing like this he has a big impact on our team.

“But honestly now we play Man U, Liverpool, Everton and Leeds, and we cannot get too comfortable, we cannot get lazy. These games will push us to our limits and then we will think about solutions for the second game against Atletico.”


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