Gallas questions Arsenal’s Ben White price.

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William Gallas has questions the price of Ben White after Arsenal slam 50Million pounds on the former Brighton player.

Former Arsenal defender William Gallas has questioned the price of former Brighton defender Ben White.

Arsenal paid 50million for Ben White in the summer transfer window after the defender impressed Arteta in his former club.

However, William Gallas questioned the logic after Manchester United were able to get Raphael Varane for 42million Pounds.

Speaking about the difference in prices between White and Varane told GentingBet: ‘It’s difficult for me to understand why Arsenal spent £50million on a player who is yet to prove himself at the top level and at the same time Manchester United can spend around £40million on Varane.

“You have to explain to me how it’s possible. Perhaps it’s partly because Ben White is English.

“Varane is a different class player compared to Ben White. Ben White is still young. As I said, he hasn’t proved anything yet. How can you put a £50million price on him, you know?

“I respect him. I don’t know him”, He added. I respect him and I hope he will be the great player, but he hasn’t proved anything yet. You can’t compare Ben White and Varane, I’m sorry. It’s not possible.

“It’s not because he’s a fellow Frenchman that I’m talking like this,’ he added. “He comes from Real Madrid. He didn’t come from Brighton, with all respect to them.”

Sportscliffs         Dailymail

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