Indian Olympics body face ban threat if it fail to hold election

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The Olympics committee is set to hand the Indian Olympics body suspension if it fails to hold election.

The International Olympics committee has stated that the Indian Olympics body will be ban if it fails to hold election in the coming weeks.

Indian Olympic Association (IOA) elections were due last year December but have been held up by a court case seeking to change its constitution in line with rules stipulated by the national sports code.

In a letter sent to the IOA’s executive council, the IOC and Olympic Council of Asia stated that they were following developments “with great concern”.

“It is very unfortunate to note that multiple legal proceedings have been initiated, which have only caused delays and created unnecessary complications so far,” the letter said, urging the IOA to resolve the situation and confirm the election date “without any further delay”.

The letter also stated that if the IOA failed to conduct the elections in the coming weeks the IOC would have other option but to consider protective measures, “including a suspension”.

A suspension would cut off IOC funding, block Indian officials from attending Olympic meetings and leave the country’s athletes unable to compete under the India flag at the Olympics.

The IOA did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The IOA was previously banned at the end of 2012 after elections saw a corruption-tainted official voted in as secretary general.

The South Asian nation returned to the Olympic fold two years later during the 2014 Sochi Winter Games after voting in a new set of officials.



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