LA Lakers players resolves issues.

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Dwight Howard and Anthony Davis both say their physical confrontation on the Los Angeles Lakers’ bench  has already been resolved.

Los Angeles Lakers players Dwight Howard and Anthony Davis both say their physical confrontation on the Los Angeles Lakers’ bench was a momentary disagreement that has already been resolved.

Howard stated that they were only passionate about winning and insists they have talked it out as grown men.

“We just had a disagreement about something that was happening on the floor,” Howard said.

“We’re both very passionate about winning. We didn’t want to lose this game. We got it out of the way. We’re grown men. Things happen. But we already talked. We squashed it. There’s no issues between me and him. And that’s my brother. That’s my teammate.”

Davis also stated that the issue as been left in the locker room at half time.

“It’s over with,” said Davis, who had 22 points and 14 rebounds. “After the situation happened, me and DH talked about it … and we left it in the locker room at halftime.”

After the loss LeBron James stated that it’s a process and they need to follow a particular principle that doesn’t happen overnight.

“There’s a process along with building something to become the team you want to become, and I know it firsthand,” James said.

“It doesn’t happen overnight, as much as you want it. It just takes time, and we’ll know when that time is. Right now, we’ve got to continue to just push.”


sportscliffs     ESPN

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