Premier League Captains Renew Taking the Knee to Combat Racism

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Premier League Captains Renew Commitment to Fighting Racism: Players to Take the Knee in 2023/24 Season.

In an official statement today, the Premier League announced that players will resume the practice of taking a knee before certain matches throughout the 2023/24 season.

This action serves as a demonstration of their unwavering commitment to combating racism and all forms of discrimination. Specifically, players will kneel at the opening and closing matches of the season, as well as during dedicated “No Room For Racism” games in October and April, as well as on Boxing Day.

The Premier League fully supports the players’ decision and will continue collaborating with clubs to amplify anti-discrimination messaging as part of the League’s comprehensive “No Room For Racism Action Plan.”

“The Premier League captains said: “We are unified in our belief that any form of discrimination has no place within football, or wider society, and are committed to using our platform to help celebrate diversity and show our support in the fight against racism.

“Therefore, we will continue to show solidarity by taking the knee at significant moments during the forthcoming season. Diversity is central to the success of the game and we feel strongly that people should respect others, regardless of their ethnicity or background.”


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