Martial is not appreciated at United.

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United Legend believes  Anthony Martial is not appreciated at the club.

Former Manchester United player Teddy Sheringham believes that Anthony Martial is not appreciated in the team.

Anthony Martial was on fire when he first arrived at the club but he is struggling to find a place in the team.

Sheringham believes Martial is facing similar issue with Tottenham striker Harry Kane and former Chelsea player Tammy Abraham.

He stated that strikers must be loved and appreciated in a club for them to be able to perform.

“It’s similar to Harry Kane and Tammy Abraham, centre-forwards need to be loved,” Sheringham told media.

“If you’re not feeling loved and appreciated, if you feel you have one chance to do well in the Carabao Cup and if you don’t you’re not going to get anywhere near the Premier League games, it does put pressure on you.

“Tammy has gone to Roma and Jose Mourinho has said ‘go in there and if you miss chances, you’re not going to be out the team straight away.’

“It gives you a relaxed time. Footballers need to be relaxed and cool in front of goal, not snapping at chances.

“When you are loved by a manager, you have that feeling. Martial obviously isn’t getting that at the moment because there are other players at the club in front of him and you feel like you have to snatch chances when you can.”

Sportscliffs      Dailymail

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