Rice Sets Sights on Premier League and Champions League Glory

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Declan Rice has wasted no time in expressing his ambitious goals, declaring his determination to clinch both the Premier League and Champions League titles wearing the iconic Arsenal shirt.

After finalizing his £105 million transfer to the Emirates Stadium, Declan Rice has set his sights on capturing both the Premier League and Champions League titles while donning the Arsenal jersey.

In his inaugural interview as a Gunners player, the midfielder expressed that Mikel Arteta played a pivotal role in his decision to join Arsenal. Rice believes that under Arteta’s guidance, he can elevate his game to new heights and lead the Gunners to significant silverware.

“In football amazing opportunities arise, big clubs like Arsenal have come for me and it’s really hard to turn down,” he said.

“You only ever get one career and I really believe in what Mikel’s building here, what the squad is building. I’m really now looking forward to the future with Arsenal.

“I think I’ve been looking at Arsenal over the last couple of seasons and the trajectory that they’ve been going on. The season before last they finished fifth but you could see the style of play Mikel was implying. And then last season obviously, it was an outstanding season, blew every team out of the water pretty much.

“I think with Mikel, how he works, the squad, how young everyone is, the energy now around the club and also the challenge. The challenge of now getting Arsenal back to where they belong. That means a lot to me and I know the fans really want that.

“Me as a player, I’ve come here really hungry to have more success and to spend my best years at this great club.

“I’m so excited to work with Mikel. I think he speaks for himself. You see how he works. You kind of got a real insight into how he works on the Amazon stuff and how he works with his players. And not only as a coach psychologically, how good he is with players, how he improves players.

“He’s a massive factor in the reason why I’ve come here. And also I know he’s going to get the best out of me. I know I’ve now got more levels to go up in my game and I feel like he’s the manager to take me to the next level. So I’m really excited to be working with him.

“My ambitions now are to win with Arsenal. It’s time to go one step bigger and win the Premier League, win the Champions League, and I wouldn’t be here if I did not believe that.”


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